Sunday, April 14, 2013


I've taken many pictures 
Of things that caught my eye
To freeze in time a moment 
Or help remember why. 

But it's interesting I've missed so much by living day to day
In work and in myself I've always lost my way,
And missed the Truth thats there to see in even little things. 
A picture of my daughter's smile
And the honesty and the joy it brings. 

A picture taken of myself 
Just tells me of my age 
As time keeps ticking on
My days turn one more page
And things I try to keep in mind
And keep from my forgetting 
Just seem to take more time 
and I truly fear regretting 
Not being there for you at times
To give you things you need;
To help you up and talk with you and all the other things I do.  

So I take pictures to freeze in time and capture what I see
So when I hold them in my hand 
I see you loving me. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Old Age and Treachery

"Old age and treachery 
Will always overcome
Youth and inexperience"
That's what my Dad would say 
To me over and over again
With a triumphant tone
As if to give a warning 
And make me aware that
Defeat was my rite of passage 
To manhood. 
To lose was to learn I learned 
At least from his view. 
So I didn't want to lose 
And I began to embrace treachery, and yes old age 
As much as I could at my young age though I wasn't treacherous 
And I wasn't old. 

But I'm not so young anymore.