Saturday, September 19, 2015

A Hammer

A hammer is a violent thing,
Meant for force, a strike.
With blunt and powerful subjugation.

To strike something so wrought, unuseful.


With spark and noise,
And hits, oh such hits.
A new form takes shape,
With edge refined.

A sharp thing.
A strong thing.
A new thing.

Unbent, smoothened and ready,
With undoubted purpose.

A Man, His Grass, Rain Bird, and Bardo

There are 31 days in July.
There are 31 days in August.
Have you ever wondered why
The hottest damn months are the longest?

My grass lays withered and yellow
While clinging to earth that's splitting and cracked.

No rain. None.
It was a wet and rainy Spring,
Now consider the opposite.

And here I am, I'm that guy.
That guy holding his hose.
Watering...with his hose.
In a neighborhood where every house
Has a sprinkler system.

There are shrubs too.
They wilt as I wet them down.
Leaning, and seeming to say...
"Thanks, but it's too late."

Oh, I have a sprinkler system too.
Oh yes, I do.  Rain Bird.
The best there is.  Fucking broke.
Broke by the broken soil.

Each leaf, each blade,
Looks up to me to plead....
"Save us!, Oh save us from this!...
You- Man holding your hose!...
Don't let us die!"

Resigned I sit in my yellow grass, indian style,
Holding my hose in one hand and my phone in the other...
Wearing my damn bathrobe.

I flip through my contacts and find Bardo the yard guy,
Who does not speak english.
"Bardo come manana, Manana ayudame para Rain Bird."
He takes cash only, that part was great english.