Lord you have given us more than we need
More than we deserve
And all of yourself.
Our ways are not your ways
Though in our hearts we hear you.
You tell us what you'll do with us
You tell us what you've done for us.
You wait for us.
You watch over us.
You love us.
Until we see you, Until we hear you.
How can we repay you for this?
How can we comprehend this?
How could we comprehend you?
In the depth of our soul you're there
You already know
You're already aware
Aware of ourselves, our time
Our days, our purpose.
So beautifully you weave out our days
Forgive us and put us where we need to be.
To say what needs to be said
To give what needs to be given
To love, and love and love again
Until nothing is left unspent.
You show us Lord, as much as we resist
How you will build us up
If only to make us never to doubt you again
And you always do it again.
Compelling us to stand, or sit, or kneel in awe
Breathless And helpless
With glad arms upraised
And heavy heads held low.