Saturday, September 23, 2023


An empty echo

Follows a bullet trace

And life exists, but with a peering blue eye.

Sound heard slower than life.

These grass stalks will be here 

Whether we're here or not.

And there stands an old man,

So smiling with thumb up.

Another whip, an echo,

Made from a bullet, sent from uphill, downhill.

"High left!!!" Thumb down. 

Standing there over the target.

Black sticker placed on a hole....

"OK Go!"

Another whip, then a boom.

A smile. A thumb up, Amidst the stalks, his stalks.

Commotion ensued up the hill with buggies and trucks, all coming down.

Binoculars just weren't enough.

A hole on orange.  Dust and grass in the air with gratified validation.

Beers drunk, overwhelming the pending matter of the morning hunt,

And all excuses removed.

Sunday, August 13, 2023


Scents hold the time, everyday early.

Stir those old visions.

Tall marble, wool and silk and perfume,

coffee, makeup, paused impatience.

Brass clanging and used with full purpose.

Milk cartons, cups and subdued polite yelling.

Passing, coming and going and staying.

Back again, here again.

A creased hat holds pace for the queue.

And a name called with a wink moves the room along.

Permission it seems is given to this place.

To wait to start a day.

Early smiles are not the norm, we're in this together.

Toes tap and steps lift...

Scooting through a glass door paper chalice in hand.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

My Friend Bob

He admitted he was quite perturbed with himself by by swallowing that minnow.

He thought it was just like the worm he stole last week.

When I reeled him in and pulled him up he said he was glad my hook was only on his lip.  He didn't take it personally.  Said most of his friends had been so rude. They pushed him and everybody away just to get the first bite and then they would just leave and not come back.

But now it was just him.  

Lo and behold, and God forsake he'd been tricked by that hook.  

He was croaking with disgust.

"Take it easy man" I said.  "I'm here with my kid and I don't have my license with me anyways.  I just want to show you to her". 

"Ah, OK well then let her hold me. I'll keep my fins down but I can't help the slime.  Don't let her drop me.  By the way, can you dip me in the water again please?"

I did, then with both hands I eased my grip and slid him over to the palms of my daughter, and he calmly laid still.  I could see the wonder on her face.

A few moments passed.  The toils of the day made to make this present moment possible shone to me like a ray from heaven.

"Let's name him Bob" my daughter said.

"Yeah that's a great name" I said, "Let's let Bob go back to his home now."  And with outstretched palms I hold Bob again lower to the water.

In the midst of the tranquil, a dart of an eye caught my own and a sudden wrath of flop and fin covered me with water and slime.

"Screw Yoooouuu!!!"....I could hear it in my mind as Bob somersaulted back to his water, his home.

Thanks, Bob. You were great and I'm glad I caught you. 

Please come back again.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Raza Cry (From The Plane Thief)

We see you  
We are trying to tell you
We know your fate
We know you try 
We talk….