Friday, March 4, 2016

On Lying

A good way to know if someone is lying
Is simply to say what they don't want to hear. 
In response, of course, to that thing,
That thing they may fear. 

A floor of sorts, laid out beneath them, but
Held up by nothing but hope. 
That may just fall through and down they would go, 
with no one around to throw down a rope. 

A hell created just for one's self
To chase, to taunt, to press the mind. 
And pare down a liar while running at pace. 
With plausible reason hard to find.

At last, with wishing so much
To go back with haste...

And tell all the truth 
to heal his soul,
To drink deep old wine, 
Breathe in fresh air,
Embrace a child, to pet a dog,
And eat fresh baked bread.

To live without fear,
And enjoy the taste. 

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