Friday, June 30, 2017

Stones and Fishermen (The Pecos River)

Timelessness is my own tale,
And here I bask in warm sunlight.
Below I see them float right by,
So blinded from my cliff so white.

My day is but a span of time,
And time is not my care.
So many boats come passing by,
And while they fish, I stare.

They cast and troll and try so much,
To catch a prize by hook.
They whip the water to a boil….
So much they have mistook.

So much they see themselves to be,
Such Titans on their own.
Those trophies and pictures will
So countless be…
They won’t outlive one stone.

I hope they take what they need to take,
And whatever fills their cup…
They’re here but for a very short time,
Their nets will never fill up.....

But I don't think they care.

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