Buddy Buck knew that
this could be the day.
The day he could meet
the one all the other deer talked about. The does loved him and even the other
Bucks admired him. The great white hunter legend, the one the Indians called
“Smiling Skinny Man”, Troy Magers.
With nervous
anticipation Buddy hid in the bushes in the cold grey light of dawn, way back
on the 9th hole of the golf course. And all the sudden there he was. The rumors
were true, he could see his white hair and skin glowing in the darkness like
some kind of saintly but skinny angel. Overwhelmed with excitement Buddy leapt
into the clearing toward the boxy little house on stilts, where all the others
said the great Troy Magers always was. And lo with a great sound Troy came out
to meet him. Buddy noticed that all the other deer ran away but he didn’t care.
All white and glowing
Troy walked to Buddy, and Buddy was so nervous he dropped a few pellets right
there on the green. Buddy snorted, “Mr Smiling Skinny Man, will you take a
picture with me?”
“Well of course!”
Replied Troy Magers, “but first you have to lay down right here like this...oh
and I’ll need to hold your horns.” At once Buddy’s buddy Spike came out of the
bushes with Buddy’s iPhone and said “OK, ready, say ‘Does in Heat’ and I’ll
snap” One, two, three....”Does in heat!’.
Buddy was so glad he
finally got his moment with Troy Magers. He handed Troy his deer tag and said
“Would you mind signing this for me?” Troy was patient since he had been asked
by so many other deer and signed his name by the little X on the tag. With
glee, Buddy asked spike to tie his newly signed tag to his horns and they both
hopped back into the woods. Spike asked Buddy, “You think he’ll come back
soon?” Buddy looked at Spike with sadness...”I don’t think so, I have been
hearing from other deer in the valley that the Great Marlene, also known as
“Tall Wife” by the Indians, may take away the great Troy Magers”. “I sure hope
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