Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Problem

You have done it again.

   What have I done?

You have put yourself in the middle of things.

   So, what's your point?

Well, it's about what you did.

  What?  What did I do?

Whatever you did, they didn't come away with whatever they wanted.

   Well, OK, what did they want?

What, you couldn't tell?

  Tell what?

They wanted to be proven right.

  Oh, was that what that was all about?

Yes, and you couldn't tell?

  Well, I really wasn't thinking about that.


   I was just thinking about the problem.

Oh, well that's good I guess.

   Wasn't that what this was all about....solving the problem?

No, they wanted to blame you for the problem. And, they wanted to prove to you that you were wrong.

   Really?  Why?

Well, were you wrong?

   I don't know.  I was just trying to make sure we were right.


  Well, that was the purpose of the discussion, right?

No, not at all. Did you solve the problem?

  Yes, of course.

What a woman does to a man

A ricochet,
Piercing the plans made..
Bounding from wall to wall
While I dined on my dinner.

With breaking glass
I forgot what happened before
And sit among shards tonight,
Staring out the door.

And a bullet still spins
In my wall,
Shot from some gun out there,
I can still hear it.

At one time in my life I was a solitary man.
I'd fry my steak and make mac 'n cheese,
Sit in my chair and watch TV.

Then, a shot rang out. 
And now I'm dodging bullets.
Or, I'm trying to get shot.
I'm not sure anymore.

A Gem

A gem has many sides.
Holding, turning, so seeing ourselves.
Where, that which we are is truly hidden.
Promises as facets, plans made...just made.

Pride for our own selves, our own worth, such facets are widest of all.

A gem is a gem after all.

Who knows the mysteries of our own nature?
Who, besides us, can tell our own truths?

No one will ever know our facets, not like we do.

We all polish our own stones.

Smoke a Brisket

Get up before the break of dawn
And grab a sausage biscuit.

Bring joy to friends and family too
Go out a smoke a brisket.


Sleeping on a floor will make you appreciate what you have.
Where no pillow is laid nor a blanket,
And you've snuck in, hiding in a room where no one comes in.
But, you'll need to get out before sunrise.

But, a culvert will work too.
If you dry out the mud you could stay warmer.
There, inside a drain pipe along the road.
You get used to the cars.
Make sure to get deep enough into the drain pipe
so no one can tell you're there.

A tent,....a tent is a false hope.
Those things never do hold up to the wind, the rain, boxcutters.
But they are great for a night or two if you can find one,
empty, of course.

And out in the cold you are, at least for one more night.


You reap what you sow,
More than what you sow,
Later than what you sowed.

Whatever it is you'd done,
Even if it were known by no-one,
A time will come for what is due.

Loud cheers or adulation resounding
So lavished in days grown old.
Or, lost pride and comforts and shame.
All condemned, alone and cold.