Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Problem

You have done it again.

   What have I done?

You have put yourself in the middle of things.

   So, what's your point?

Well, it's about what you did.

  What?  What did I do?

Whatever you did, they didn't come away with whatever they wanted.

   Well, OK, what did they want?

What, you couldn't tell?

  Tell what?

They wanted to be proven right.

  Oh, was that what that was all about?

Yes, and you couldn't tell?

  Well, I really wasn't thinking about that.


   I was just thinking about the problem.

Oh, well that's good I guess.

   Wasn't that what this was all about....solving the problem?

No, they wanted to blame you for the problem. And, they wanted to prove to you that you were wrong.

   Really?  Why?

Well, were you wrong?

   I don't know.  I was just trying to make sure we were right.


  Well, that was the purpose of the discussion, right?

No, not at all. Did you solve the problem?

  Yes, of course.

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