Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Pool

Today I went down to the pool
I looked up and what did I see
A bar hung by two ropes
Swinging as high as a tree
Sally jumped right up on there
And swung real high through the air
Rashonda looked at me
I said heck no I'm not going up there
I heard about what happened to Reggie
He came up with a wedgie.
I wasn't even wet not even one drop
Until Betty landed a belly flop
Caroline said i could fly through the air
I said I just didnt care
Johnny said I must be a wuss.
Uh oh.....
Sally, Rashonda, Betty, and Caroline
Knew that Johnny just crossed a line
All stood by the pool with their mouths agape
While Johnny made futile attempt at escape
While high on the platform i towered
Above little Johnny I peered down and glowered
Without hesitation I lept forward and free
I'll teach you to name call me!
It seemed suddenly i was high and free
How was I swinging by one knee?
The whole pool stopped cold to look up and stare
Where Johnny wound up I was not aware
Way up in the air I realized to be
A double pirouette by a wuss like me.

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